Cyclones in Western Australia
Cyclones can impact the north west coast from November to April. Other areas like the Midwest-Gascoyne and Goldfields-Midlands often experience flooding as a cyclone moves south.
Cyclones can be severe and cross the WA coast every year with destructive winds, torrential rainfall, flooding, dangerous storm surge and heavy swells. Department of Fire and Emergency Services and the Bureau of Meteorology work together to inform the community when there is a cyclone risk.
As of 15 July 2024, Western Australia has adopted the Australian Warning System (AWS) for bushfire, cyclone, flood and storm warnings. We are no longer using the old Blue, Yellow, Red Alert and All Clear system.
There are now three warning levels which move up and down to reflect the risk to your life or property before, during and after a cyclone. These are the same warning levels as bushfire, flood and storm.
There are three AWS warning levels of Advice, Watch and Act and Emergency Warning and their corresponding colours of yellow, orange and red.
The warning level is determined by the level of threat posed to the community. Each warning level has a set of action statements to give the community clear and concise information about what to do.