Parents and Citizens Association
President: Krystal Haines
Vice President: Tristan Bliss
Treasurer: Anikka Stenhouse
Secretary: Bonnie Kaestner
Uniform Shop: Amy Bliss
Canteen: Sandy Lanc
Book Club: Kristy Cavanagh
School Banking: Sandy Lanc
General Committee Members:
Toyah McCarthy
Lauren Campbell
Sandy Lanc
What is a Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association?
P&C Associations are the forum for parents and citizens in government schools who have an interest in their children’s education. P&C Associations are established under the School Education Act 1999 for the purpose of supporting a strong government school system for the benefit of all students.
The functions of a P&C are to:
- Encourage parents to participate in developing the school’s education policy.
- Develop parent participation and involvement in the school.
- Be the forum for parents to discuss issues pertaining to the school and it’s community and for gathering opinions.
- Promote and support communication and cooperation within the school community and to bring education matters to the attention of the wider community.
- Have representation on the local District Council of P&C Associations.
- Provide extra resources for the benefit of government school students.
The P&C and fundraising
The P&C is free to provide resources to the school as it sees fit but is not required to so so. P&C Associations are not simply there to fundraise and indeed may elect to avoid fundraising in preference to other activities, such as discussion of educational issues and school policies. However all surplus funds of the P&C must be used for the benefit of students attending government schools.
Reasons for joining the P&C:
- Rewarding involvement
- Assists to keep up with their child/children
- Opportunity for personal development
- Sharing in the school community
- Keeping abreast with educational changes
- Feeling you have made a difference
- Can provide positive self esteem
- Enhances self-respect
- Good environment to meet people
- Want an opportunity to influence
- Get to know teachers/principal
- Opportunity to share expertise
- Part of a large decision making group
- Helps link school and community
- Networking can develop opportunities
The Pegs Creek Primary School P&C Committee generally meets one evening a month during the school term. It is a fun way to meet other people and get involved in your children’s education.
For more information on the amazing things our P&C did this year, download their year in review.
Email for further information or contact the School Reception on 08 9187 9800.